
Sicko and Pigs

This poster was in the Paris Metro. Has anyone seen the movie yet? I saw a pic of Bush in 2000 compared to 2008 and he has aged. For a movie that parodies him, it chose Bush's younger image for this poster at least. I am sick(flu or strep, not because of the poster). But not too sick to tell you that Ellery said that she was going to vote for "Baracka Obama" because Christopher, her classmate was. Then she mentioned that maybe she should vote for John McCain because he has a parakeet. "I hope Christopher doesn't get mad at me," she mused. Soren and I leave on Tuesday for Costa Rica/Cancun traipsing and am I ready? Not close. I have no energy, my itinerary is still being built, the laundry is growing into a living thing, I can't remember how to conjugate Spanish verbs, I haven't copied Soren's work for the trip and on and on. I don't even know what I'm going to be for Halloween which never happens to me. But I know it will work out. Things will get done somehow. Compromises will be made. My new mantra is "No big deal." I learned it from a piano teacher for savants. Try it, it works for me.

And oh. Soren and I were on the local cable news last night. Our neighbor's yard has been rooted up by feral hogs and we were interviewed. Soren thinks we're rockstars now. We recorded it and watched it like 7 more times. Check out this neighbor's blog for his take on the situation: http://robjones3030.wordpress.com/2008/10/19/feral-hogs-and-trail-dogs/


Hodgepodge Post

She's showing interest. (yayayayayayyyyy!) She can play the first line of "Jesus Said Love Everyone." I get excited but I keep it to myself so I don't freak her out. She actually has a nice voice too--maybe taking after Aunt Chauncey???
I planted these shrubs the first of this summer and they like where I put them. Fall is prettier in my front yard now because of them.

And good ole mums. They bloomed like nobody's business this year. Things are pretty good with us. Check out some disco party pics at http://heatherfly.shutterfly.com/ I was one of the few without a wig. I am going all out next year. That is the first time some of my friends have seen Cyler dance. (Go Cyler, Go Cyler) The Larza's were great hosts--good food, decorations and music. Too much fun! And today at Global Homeschool, Soren did it. He synthesized some knowledge. He made a connection between Mesopotamian priests, Gulliver's travels, and Lee Iacoca regarding uncertainty and how to handle it. It was priceless!! I didn't know it was going to happen so soon so I was shocked. My other goals for us was to recognize and avoid binary thinking. He's doing that too when he points out that the question I just asked him was an either/or question. The main goal is to learn how to WRITE. He's working on that as we speak. He is also learning about his body and how to take care of it. Somewhere in the middle we do math, science, music, art and a bit of French.


Happy Happy Birthday

Ellery turned seven and we celebrated by seeing "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" (in costumes) and coming back home for cake and presents.
She is bright, even-tempered, affectionate, with a great mix of traits. I have a great time watching her live.

This week will be busy. I have bookclub, pack meeting and a church activity at my house this week. Soren has scout camp, horse lessons and both kids have a church activity where I am volunteering. Ellery and I are making dog collar bandanas for her school's entrepreneur night, "Beckopoly." I also have to visit teach, work on the church nativity exhibit and was just called as the church organist. I am also preparing harp pieces to play at my family reunion and the church Christmas program. I also have to homeschool Soren and nail down plans for our next Globeschool trip. This review is not to show my neurosis nor to brag, but for posterity--hopefully it will be of some historical use for future qualitative researchers. Looking at this primary source, they may coin a new term, "Crazy Mormon Lady syndrome." But I balance with some good downtime and fun with friends-like the disco party I need to find a costume for on Saturday night. I want to do Cher or Gloria Steinem. Ok, that range of character just showed my neurosis. Welcome to my inner life--Cher and Gloria duking it out in my head.


Back in the groove

(This post is dedicated to Katy Dill, domestic goddess and daughter artist.)

Dinner all together as a family is one of the things Soren and I missed the most while travelling. Here is Fish Pie. The recipe, serves 4-6, is as follows:

1 1/4 lb salmon fillet, fresh without skin

2 Tbsp flat leaf parsley

salt and pepper

Olive oil to grease the casseroles (Iused individual ones but one can use a tart or pie pan or casserole.)


1 lb Yukon Gold potatoes, boiled and mashed

4 Tbsp olive oil

2 medium onions, chopped and sauteed

1 garlic clove, minced

1 C low fat milk

2 pinches nutmeg (don't leave this out)



6 Tbsp Breadcrumbs

2 Tbsp parmesan cheese, grated

3 Tbsp olive oil

Grease casserole dish(es) with olive oil. Cut fish into chunks and evenly place on casserole bottom. Salt and pepper, and sprinkle parsley over salmon. Set aside. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Add olive oil and milk to mashed potatoes to make it spreadable. Add onions, garlic and nutmeg. Spread over fish. Moisten breadcrumbs and parmesan with olive oil and sprinkle over potatoes. Bake 20 min. Cover with aluminum foil if it gets too brown. Sprinkle with a bit more parsley and serve.
