Our school likes the long socks that come just below the knee. Some use the shorter socks but I think they kind of look like they are slouching down. Ellery likes to tie her own ghillies so I let her eventhough she doesn't do it quite "right." You're supposed to loop around the front through the stays, cross around the ankle, cross again in the front and tie around the arch of the foot. This gives the foot some support and you don't have messy criss-crossing up the leg. She's getting there though.
Heather of the Last Traipse
June 29-July 9--too quick. When Ellery writes it (she gets to come), she spells it "Grease" and wanted to know if we were going to see Dr. Zeus while we were there. At IrishDance, I was told they "yell alot" there. Malta plans didn't materialize so we flexed again and made rather loose plans for Athens, Sparta, and Mykonos. We will see how it all pans out. It's interesting how nonchalant I've become about travel plans. Now, it's kind of "I'll do it when I get there." I am so nonchalant, I forgot to let my parents know in a timely manner. Mom and Dad, did I tell you we were going to Greece-- and be in Utah around July 15th? We'll talk.
I feel I need to acknowledge some of the tools that have been indispensable this past GlobeSchool year. Cyler is not a "tool" per se but is the foundational reason I can do what I have done for Soren's education this year. A forever of thank yous--for taking my passions seriously, and taking my weaknesses in stride. Above is a universal converter. Each slider button thingy represents a group of countries. I have used this religiously and get short of breath when I can't find it easily. It is my bridge to Cyler and my bank account (hence my sanity) while traipsing. The two websites I have to mention specifically that have helped me is LonelyPlanet and TripAdvisor. And then there is Cynthia Nichols the travel agent guru who helped me with flight/hotel arrangements. She would say "Oh, I just got back from there. You'll love it." "Don't worry, you and Soren will be just fine." "Uh, it's too rainy there right now." "You can too drive on the left side of the road." "I don't suggest Tangiers." I want to gift her with something special--any suggestions? Another quazi-mentor was a little book called "Gutsy Mamas Who Travel." It is sacred text to meperiod
I have learned:
No need to buy a travel book at Barnes and Noble--in my opinion, those are for people who are not going to the location on the cover. The map given at the hotel and a chat at the front desk is a good enough start.
Although I might be called foolish or selfish for traipsing, I can still sleep well at night.
Being helpful to travelers is a nearly universal impulse.
World peace will not come when everyone is of one heart and one mind (enter Nazi, Stepford Wives, Taliban nonsense). But when one considers the other's heart and mind as of equal value to his/her own.
You will not get sick if you wear the same pyjamas A LOT of times between washings.
Everyone (not just 12yr old boys) needs a pair of what they consider "adventure pants."
The thought of getting goosed in Greece is not an appalling one, suprisingly.
Mille Colori Pasta Salad
Get: 2 zucchini
2 pkgs grape tomatoes
1 12 oz pkg rainbow colored rotelle pasta
1 12 oz pkg cheese tortellini
2 cans black olives
1 bottle spanish olives
12 oz mozarella cheese, small cubes or 2" matchsticks
1 pkg pepperoni, cut with scissors
1 bottle, Newman's Own family recipe italian dressing
handful, fresh basil, julienned
Slice zucchini into thin julienne strips using a mandolin. Let soak in some italian dressing.
Meanwhile cook pasta according to package directions till al dente. Drain and rinse with cold water. Add ice cubes until ready to use.
Weeping Camel
Strung Up Too
Pull it through the hole--as you pull, the knot will tighten around the anchor--a flashlight is helpful since most harps are kept out of direct sunlight.
The Spiney Neck.
Tune to full on correct pitch, the string can handle it. Pass by it 2-3 a day and tune. Leave the tuner on your bench and leave the extra string long to remember which one it is. If you don't have early onset Alzheimer's like me, cut it and be grateful for your short term memory. It is an amazing instrument--thousands of pounds of pressure on each string. I guess I feel an affinity toward things that are high strung--Arabs (the horses not the people-although they seem high strung as well), harps, artistic geniuses. Tension this way makes something beautiful. My "string" broke at CubScout Daycamp after Soren slept in and made us late, which made me late setting up (in the wrong spot-not his fault), which made the first group unable to finish the DaVinci parachute craft I had for them. Then Soren said, "You should be grateful I'm here helping you." (Hence, breakdown #1) 300 boys came through my station. I taped, talked loud, took questions, tried to keep paper from blowing away in the wind, and tied about 1200 pieces of string (which I should have done the day before). When we got home, Ellery very calmly told me that since I was in such a hurry to leave, she was not able to go back to get the father's day gift she had made for Cyler at the totlot, and that's why it's hard for her to breathe without crying now. (Hence breakdown #2).
Home and Other Big Fat Lies
Blow Much?
Like we need more wood--here's one of our three (yes, three) wood piles. Want some? Come get it.
The Sparrow Falls
This book tackles sociology, evolution, first contact between people of 'difference', intention, faith and family. But it ripped me apart--and I'm so glad I read it. I have a friend who is mad at God right now. Either that or he laughs at the farce of his life because he thought God would keep bad things from happening if he would just do 'thus and so,' this or that ritual--he and Emilio have some feelings in common.
I love what Russell (converted to Judaism from Catholicism)herself says: "The beauty of religion is the way in which it enriches your understanding of what your senses tell you. . .There's a certain serenity that comes from knowing that the ethics you draw on have been tested and re-tested by one thousand generations in every possible cultural and ethical climate, and that they have been found reliable and useful by so many people for so long. . .
The risks have to do with believing that God micromanages the world, and with seeing what may be simply coincidence as significant and indicative of divine providence. It's very easy then to go out on a limb spiritually, expect more from God than you have a right to and set yourself up for bitter disappointement in his silence and lack of action."
How Do I Harp
Above is where the RH fingering gets tricky, the tempo is quick and the LH is busy.
Above is messy part #2. I have to pedal change from 2 sharps to 3 flats within one measure. I can't change the C and A and E (jeez!) too early as they appear in the measure right before the key change. On my copied piece I can work out the hairy details, erasing and changing my mind to my heart's content. And these parts are the parts where I start practicing--not ever at the beginning. That will come in time.
Cowboys Stadium Opening
From the deck you can see the Ranger stadium and Six Flags off there in the distance.
And yet, in comparison with the universe and the work of the Great Architect, it's such a small attempt at building something that will last. I wonder if it will end up looking like the Colosseum in the next millenia. Oh well, for the moment that it exists, I love this building. It has fed my kids, put clothes on their backs, and made my son a world traveler.