It has been 2 years since I've been 'home' to visit family. It felt good. To hear my dad call me Futhie. To eat my mom's food. And even to get all the advice they have for me--yes, I have matured. For a couple of 70-somethings, they kept us hopping with The Itinerary. My dad had it all planned out. Cowboy action shooting in the morning--I don't have to tell you that Soren soaked that up. Realtor type drive around St George's equestrian communities. I soaked that up. Tuahcan production of Little Mermaid (I saw Melissa Gilbert in the audience). Dinner/Drive/3-d Green Lantern at Zion's Canyon. Of course church on Sunday so my parents could prove that they do in fact have children. (Not many of us 7 stay with them over church-going day so their fellow parishoners don't see them as founders of a great brood.) Mom took Ellery shopping, we watched BBC videos and FOX shows (yaya for BBC, yawn for Fox)--but my parents are still trying to convert me. My dad says at church, "See that lady over there? She voted for Obama. She was kind of a fish out of water when she first moved here from Massachusetts. . .but now she's just fine." He wanted me to know that there really were my kind in this small Utah community. He said if I move there, he would come over and we could muck stalls together. Dreamy.
Soren's gotta finish high school first though. (oh and that monumental task of selling a house under present circumstances). He got accepted to the science, engineering, and math academy here. He bull-dozed right over me to do it too. They had orientation camp today and made battling robots. He is so happy. So I'll drive the extra 10min at 630am to get him there, remind him to do his online Seminary, make Ellery come with us, get her ready at Starbucks. . .I hope she doesn't revolt.