
The Other Half of My 100s

53. Angelina Jolie intrigues me.
54. I bite my nails.
55. I was MVP for my high school Varsity volleyball team when I was a sophomore.
56. I hiked Havasupai in the Grand Canyon.
57. I got car sick on a bus traveling through the Pyranees Mountains.
58. I have a horrible short term memory.
59. I like blonde jokes.
60. If I weren't Mormon, I would be a polytheistic universalist with overtones of Celtic Christanity and Buddhism.
61. I don't like cold weather.
62. I love staying in hotels.
63. I like raw fish (sashimi).
64. When I die I want bagpipes to play at my graveside.
65. I want my kids to have jobs that have them travel so that I can visit them in different places.
66. I love New York.
67. I make up stupid songs about my dogs. (Like the couple in Best of Show)
68. I think long blonde wavy hair looks hookerish, but it's the way my hair is so what can you do?
69. I like wearing halter dresses over jeans.
70. I love the smell of patchouli.
71. I had a partial hysterectomy after Ellery was born.
72. I am graduating with my Masters degree in History this semester.
73. I like getting really dirty and sweaty from working hard and then taking a nap after a shower and beauty treatments.
74. The book that changed my life is Herbert Butterfield's The Whig Interpretation of History.
75. When I get tired, I tickle my arms or play with my hair.
76. Someday I will own a home in Costa Rica.
77. I attract people who are practical and precise. (Precisely because I'm not?)
78. If I had to choose to be either a dreamer, an engineer, or critic, I choose dreamer-critic.
79. I love Indie and Bollywood movies.
80. I suggest trying the Celtic Sea Salt caramels from Central Market's bulk candy section.
81. When I worked at the Luxor, I would sometimes fake like I had a British or Irish accent.
82. I chuckle inside when people tell me they know what God is and what heaven will be like.
83. I love kids.
84. I think Mormons should dance more often.
85. I would like to live with the Amish or in a monastery for a short time.
86. My favorite thing about Colby is that he can draw.
87. My least favorite thing about Texas are the biting bugs.
88. I am good at noticing trends.
89. I'm glad I breastfed my kids.
90. Inside I know I could be a CIA interrogator.
91. I would like to play in a Celtic rock band.
92. I love looking at black work and red work (embroidery) from the Tudor period.
93. I can't figure out what to make the 3rd bedroom upstairs into.
94. Last year Ellery made a friend, Tariq, on the beach at Galveston. We had a birthday party for him that night on the beach and ate bluecrab we had caught earlier that day.
95. Boring is a four-letter-word.
96. I had a hard time when Soren shot his first deer, but I really like the meat.
97. I agree with the Indigo Girls "the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine."
98. When I get to heaven, I would like to meet Boudicca.
99. If I could marry Beowulf, I would.
100. Numbers vex, betray and haunt me.

1 comment:

Becky said...

#72 and #80 are my favorites on this page.
