
Malagasy Model for Parents

Cyler's boss asked him if he wanted to put his bio in for a short term job in the country just east of Africa that starts with an M. Cyler said yes--you know how we roll--the plan for our future changes daily. I immediately went on an internet research rampage--history, population density, culture, food, education, housing. While I was gorging myself on tidbits about the Eighth Continent, I found a blog posted by a British expat. Her comparison of children raised on the "Red Island" and British kids is well-done! Now can you guess which place I am talking about? I wonder how a harp would do there. Kind of like Holly Hunter's piano in Jane Campion's film. It's one of my favorite movies. Cyler kind of reminds me of a mix between Harvey Keitel and Rob Lowe. Can you guess the name of this movie too?


Cintana said...

These women are clearly not Malagasy.

Heather said...

