

What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon/evening!! The North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas is a great event. And Ellery's school performed so well. Here she is after the performances, just winging it out in front of one of the local Celtic rock bands, Needfire.
At any one time, dancers would come out from the audience to jig and reel. When the band played faster and faster, Ellery would keep up, her head bobbing up and down at the ever increasing speed.

I know the wigs may look strange to 'non' Irish dancers, but it is widely accepted. And the girls like the dress up effect. I made Ellery wear hers to church (sans headband) so I didn't have to do her hair in the car. She didn't want to at first, but after the attention she got, I wonder if she will want to wear it next week. She kept looking at herself in the mirror, striking poses so I told her about the Greek boy named Narcissus that came to a sad end because he fell in love with his own reflection. She said, "I fell in love with my reflection too." (oh no)

Ellery, Riley and Kileigh. It was fun to see her teachers dance too. One got all around world champion in Ireland for 2009.

She cracks me up. The ironic thing is that when she was performing, one of my favorite bands, Seven Nations, was performing on another stage. I saw 2 minutes of their last set. I hope they come back next year. Their fiddle player is amazing.


Becky said...

That looks so fun! Do you have video?

Heather said...

No-we forgot to bring it. But our dance friends are going to put it on YouTube so I'll figure out how to post that when I know it's up.
