
Eight Year Old Pygmalion

Or in other words, preemie pygmy. My preemie pygmy caught me in a mood. After thriftily purchasing a used leotard for gymnastics, we decided she needed a trim. She got the full monty. A wedged, bump-it bob and we love.
She looked so coot that we then went to drop some dollars off at some kid's clothing stores having not previously gone school shopping. THEN, I decided to take her home, sluff off the old nailpolish paint and shave her legs. Now, my preemie pygmy may not seem old enough for such a grown up feat. But after hearing how European her legs looked, she decided to remain American and say no to body hair. (Since she is German-American-of-the-long-dark-leg-hair ilk, I was glad to break out the razor and conditioner for my pygmy's first tutorial in the complex, time-consuming ministrations of modern grooming.)

For those still unsure of the propriety of this act, my church's children's group leader said she shaved her girls' leg hair this young too. Latinas and German Lowlands girls (and possibly Greeks and Arabs) should be given special dispensations here. Let my people shave!

My pygmy loves hats, like her mom, grandad, and great-grandpas. We couldn't decide between black and fuschia so we got both. She wears one to school virtually everyday so it seemed kosher to splurge here especially since I don't know how to knit this well. There is a bit of sequins on the brim.

Which color do you prefer?

Can you guess which one is my pygmy's favorite? Mine is the other one, don't tell her.

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