
Bad News

A Tennessee Walker stallion passed away this past weekend. The Feltners at Starland, his breeders, have operated their facilities here in Texas for almost 20years. Thirty acres. Coin Bad News was 28. He made good babies. 7 World Grand Champions--I am riding one of his grandbabies.
Here he is at 24. Dub called him "the old stud." Look at that slope in his shoulder. His blaze is one I have seen on other horses and I immediately know where they came from. I am learning the differences between being a rider, being an owner, being a trainer, and being a breeder. I am a rider. All are labors of love and require a certain amount of blood, sweat, tears, and money. Are horse people a dying breed? It takes so much labor and land to support an obsolete mode of transportation. But as a rider, I am so grateful for breeders and trainers. Twice a week they make it so I can feel excitement and freedom.

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