
Weekend Warriors

Soren's scout troop took a canoe trip right when the torrential rainstorm hit. Cyler (black in the back) said they made a fire under a tarp the boys held to make their foil dinners. They got soaked. Their stuff got soaked. They paddled hard. They ate on flat rocks. They got sunburnt.
And managed to have enough energy for a timeless YMCA pose. (Soren is the 'm')

Two of the boys were able to climb a cliff from a balancing start on the canoe.

They look like a totem pole.
Kevin looks like he's surfing the air! I love scouts. I wish Ellery were included--so I guess that's why I want to be a girlscout leader. Is there anything like scouts where sex isn't a qualifier? If so, I would like to look into it.


Becky said...

Where did they go?

Heather said...

I'm not sure--I'll ask Cyler.
