
Are you Smarter than a 6th Grader Finale

This is it kids. No more after this one.

Please Match the following Country with its capital:

1. South Africa Cairo
2. Liberia Addis Ababa
3. Nigeria Tripoli
4. Madagascar Antanarivo
5. Ethiopia Monrovia
6. Libya Abuja
7. Egypt Pretoria

Fill in the blank:

_____________ was a country which was the butt of many famine jokes in the 1980’s.

______________ was created by the wealthy diamond merchant, Cecil Rhodes, who thought the British was the best culture on earth.

_____________ was created by American ex-slaves after the American Civil War.

_____________ used to be called the Gold Coast when it was a British Colony before 1957.

____________ is the home of Africa’s highest mountain peak, Kilimanjaro.

Short Answer: (Please use your composition notebook)

1. Africa is sometimes called the ‘lost continent.’ Explain why this is so.
2. What religion greatly influenced Africa? Who was its founder and what are some basic elements/beliefs of that religion.
3. Explain how gold was traded in the ancient kingdom of Ghana.
4. Explain the 3 types of experts that make up groups of Somali pirates.

Three Paragraph Essay: (Please take a position of pro or con and prove your points. Use your composition notebook)

Ending racial apartheid was beneficial for South Africa.


Becky said...

1. Pretoria
2. Monrovia (google says it's in Cali, too)
3 Abuja
4 Antanarivo
5 Addis Ababa
6 Tripoli
7 Cairo

De Beers (filthy money!)
How do I google this?

I'm done.

Heather said...

Good job! Rhodesia is the country Rhodes founded and Liberia was created by ex-slaves (kind of a back to the motherland movement). You pass!
